


By Y. Silas. Southwest Minnesota State University.

It is believed that structural changes that result in analogues with increased lipid character may exhibit either increased activity because of better membrane penetration (Figure 4 buy 2.5 mg femara with mastercard women's health urinary problems. However, whatever the change, its effect on water solubility, transport through membranes, receptor binding, and metabolism and other pharmacokinetic properties of the analogue should be considered as far as is possible before embarking on what could be an expensive synthesis. Furthermore, changing the structure of the lead com- pound could result in an analogue that is too big to fit its intended target site. Computer assisted molecular modelling (see Chapter 5) can alleviate this problem, provided that the structure of the target is known or can be simulated with some degree of accuracy. However, it is emphasized that although it is possible to predict the effect of structural changes there will be numerous exceptions to the predictions, and so all analogues must be synthesized and tested. These types of structural change usually result in analogues that exhibit either a different potency or a different type of activity to the lead. Each new substituent will impart its own characteristic chemical, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties to the analogue. Over the years, a great deal of information has been collected about the changes caused to these properties of a lead compound when a new substituent is incorporated into its structure. As a result, it is possible to generalize about some of the changes caused by the introduction of a particular group into a structure (see Table 4. However, the choice of substituent will ultimately depend on the properties that the development team decide to enhance in an attempt to meet their objectives. Moreover, it should be realized that the practical results of such a structural change will often be different from the theoretical predictions. In addition, it may introduce a chiral centre, which will result in the formation of stereoisomers, which may or may not have different pharmacological activities (Table 2. Alternatively, it may impose conformation restrictions on some of the bonds in the analogue (Figure 4.

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Sudden cessation of benzodiazepines can lead to a recognized withdrawal syndrome (34) with anxiety symptoms buy femara 2.5mg with amex menstruation 24, disordered perceptions, and major complications, such as seizures and psychosis (35). A long-acting benzodiaz- epine, such as diazepam or chlordiazepoxide, is preferable in treating symp- toms of withdrawal and preventing the major complications. Flumazenil is a specific benzodiazepine antagonist used for the rever- sal of benzodiazepine-induced sedation and coma. When overdosage is sus- pected, it can be used in patients who would otherwise need intubation and ventilation (36), but care should be taken when mixed overdoses are sus- pected (37). Complications, such as convulsions, dysrhythmias, heart block, and cardiac arrest, suggest that its use in the prehospital environment should not be encouraged (38). Barbiturates Barbiturates are used in the treatment of epilepsy and for the induction of anesthesia. They became less commonly misused after the introduction of benzodiazepine drugs but may be used by polydrug users. Mild intoxication may result in slurred speech, oversedation, ataxia, and nystagmus, although severe intoxication may present with coma, absent reflexes, hypothermia, hypotension, and respiratory depression. Physical and psychological dependence occurs, and the withdrawal syndrome is similar to that of benzodiazepine withdrawal, with a greater risk of seizures. Benzodiazepines may be used to prevent the withdrawal syndrome associated with barbiturates (35). Adhesives, aerosols, anesthetics, dry cleaning agents, fuel gases, nail varnish, and paint stripper are among the substances inhaled (39), either directly from their containers, from a plastic bag placed over the nose and mouth, from impregnated rags, or sprayed directly into the mouth. Regular users may have nasal sores, known as “glue-sniffer’s rash” (perioral dermatitis), and have the odor of solvents on their breath.

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Her model of nursing at the was raised to a high therapeutic level” (personal Loeb Center clearly required nurses to be educated generic 2.5 mg femara with visa breast cancer 7 cm tumor, communication, January 27, 1999). Its success depended upon the ability of the nurses to relate to each patient with sensitivity and understanding. Hall was clear Historical Background in her vision of the registered professional nurse as the appropriate person to fulfill that role. During the 1950s and 1960s, the health-care milieu Scholars and practitioners today continue to in which Lydia Hall functioned was undergoing grapple with questions about how to define nursing tremendous change. As previously stated, the type and to demonstrate the unique contribution of of nursing home model then in use failed to meet professional nursing to the health and well-being of expectations, and care of the elderly was a growing people. Increasing recognition that the elder pop- and can benefit from professional nursing care was ulation was in the greatest need of health-care in- articulated in her theory of nursing and was surance generated years of debate among demonstrated in practice at the Loeb Center under legislators, the medical profession, and the public. Hall stated: Finally, in 1965, Medicare legislation was enacted The program at the Loeb Center was designed to alle- that provided hospital, nursing home, and home viate some of the growing problems which face our care for those citizens age 65 and over. Medicaid health-conscious public today: the complex and long- was established to provide health-care services for term nature of illnesses besetting all age groups; the the medically indigent, regardless of age. These high cost of services utilized in overcoming these ill- programs provided a source of revenue for the na- nesses; the negative reactions of the public and the tion’s hospitals and, as public confidence in hospi- health professions to patient care offered by institu- tals grew, there was concomitant growth in the tions; and the confusion among all groups about the need for more hospitals. Subsequent congressional definition of nursing, its organization for service, and the kind of educational preparation it requires. Undoubtedly, all of These questions and concerns are as relevant these factors were relevant to Hall as she proceeded today as they were when Hall articulated her ideas to implement her vision. Hall labeled population with needs for long-term care and an this as “follow-up”—evaluative medicine—and felt era of cost containment that often limits access to that it is at this point that professional nursing is professional care and services. She criticized the practice of turn- ing over the patient’s care to practical nurses and aides at this point while the professional nurse at- Vision of Nursing tended to new admissions in the biological crisis phase.