By H. Pyran. Oral Roberts University.
The course director may In accordance with the high standard of elect to obtain additional information based ethical conduct required of a physician quality 100 mg desyrel anxiety symptoms nervousness, stu- upon what the student has said and would ulti- dents are expected to refrain from acts of dis- mately decide to maintain the original grade honesty which impair the academic integrity or submit an amended grade to the Registrar. An atmosphere mittee will be chaired by the Vice Dean who of mutual respect, collegiality, fairness, and will vote only in the case of a tie. Although both teachers ciate Dean/Registrar, the Associate Dean for and learners bear signifcant responsibility Student Affairs, and the Assistant Dean for in creating and maintaining this atmosphere, Minority Affairs will be non-voting ex-offcio teachers also bear particular responsibility members. The student will be asked to pro- with respect to their evaluative roles relative vide information regarding the grounds for the to student work and with respect to modeling grade appeal and will be given an opportunity appropriate professional behaviors. After con- sideration, the Committee will advise the Vice Responsibilities in the Teacher/Learner Dean for Education of any changes merited. Relationship Two standards will be employed by the Com- Responsibilities of Teachers mittee in evaluating the appeal which could lead to a recommended amendment: • Treat all learners with respect and fairness. The student may appeal an adverse deci- Responsibilities of Learners sion to the Dean of the Medical School by notifying him/her in writing within 7 days of • Treat all fellow learners and teachers with the decision. Students must take Step 1 by September 15 of their third year and receive a passing score • Be on time for didactic, investigational, and in order to proceed with core clerkships. Guidelines for Conduct Behaviors Inappropriate to the Teacher- Learner Relationship in Teacher/Learner These behaviors are those which demon- Relationships strate disrespect for others or lack of profes- sionalism in interpersonal conduct. Although Statement of Philosophy there is inevitably a subjective element in the The Johns Hopkins University School of witnessing or experiencing of such behaviors, Medicine is committed to fostering an envi- certain actions are clearly inappropriate and ronment that promotes academic and profes- will not be tolerated by the institution. These sional success in learners and teachers at all include, but are not limited to, the following: levels. Avenues for Addressing Inappropriate • If the person reporting the behavior is a Behavior in the Teacher/Learner Context research fellow: The trainee should speak with the Associate Dean for Postdoctoral Learners’ Concerns Affairs. Learners may address situations in which they feel that they have been the object of Teachers’ Concerns inappropriate behavior at various levels. At If a teacher feels that a learner has engaged the most basic level, the most effective way in inappropriate behavior, it is likewise most to handle a situation may be to address effective to address the situation immediately it immediately and non-confrontationally.
The biochemical influences of massage include altered stress hormone (cortisol) production (Field 2000) desyrel 100 mg line anxiety symptoms google. Naturopathic perspectives Perhaps surprisingly, massage fails to increase blood Because of its almost universal applicability, massage flow through muscle unless it is exceptionally vigor- represents a modality that can be incorporated into ous (Shoemaker et al 1997); however, drainage effi- naturopathic care of a wide range of conditions. It ciency is improved when light techniques are makes little demand on adaptive reserves – with evi- employed (Ikimi et al 1996). Pain perception is reduced dence of value in treatment ranging from the distress by massage, possibly due to gating of impulses of cocaine-addicted babies (Wheeden et al 1993) to (Clelland et al 1987). The colloids in fasciae that Further reading surround, support and invest all soft tissues respond 1. Fritz S, Grosenbach J 1999 Mosby’s basic to appropriately applied pressure and vibration by science for soft tissue and movement therapies. Mosby, Patriquin & Jones (1997) describe the essence of St Louis mobilization/articulation. Chaitow L, Fritz S 2007 A massage therapist’s range of motion of the joint is possible: guide to lower back and pelvic pain. Churchill Move the affected joint to the limit of all ranges of Livingstone, Edinburgh motion. Chaitow L, Fritz S 2006 A massage therapist’s and firmly continue to apply gentle force against it to guide to understanding, locating and treating the limit of tissue motion or the patient’s tolerance of myofascial trigger points. Then return the articulation slowly to Livingstone, Edinburgh the neutral portion of its motion. Repeat the process several times, each time regaining range and improved quality of motion. Cease repetition of motion when no Mobilization (also known as articulation) further response is achieved. See also discussion in Chapter 8 on combinations of mobilization methods deriving from early naturo- Morris (2006a) notes variations on this theme: ‘Joint pathic or osteopathic settings. Physiological effects Clinical research has validated application of the Apart from the purely mechanical effects of increased Spencer sequence in a study involving elderly patients warmth and relaxation of joints during mobilization, (Knebl 2002). Mobiliza- arthritis, 21% bursitis, 21% neurological tion achieves these effects, as do oscillatory methods disorders, 10% healed fractures.
Control of the exocrine function of the pancreas is via the hormones gastrin 100mg desyrel otc anxiety symptoms lump in throat, cholecystokinin and secretin. Pancreatic secretions from ductal cells contain bicarbonate ions that neutralise the acidic chyme from the stomach and are important in protecting the pancreas from recurrent acute and chronic pancreatitis by quickly sweeping zymogens out of it. To remain viable, all cells of the body are required to maintain a low intracellular concen- tration of sodium. The sodium–potassium pump is a highly conserved integral membrane protein, expressed in virtually all animal cells. The transport of sodium creates both an electrical and a chemical gradient across the plasma membrane. In turn this provides: • a cell’s resting membrane potential, the gradient of which is the basis for excitability in nerve and muscle cells • export of sodium from the cell, providing the driving force for several facilitated transporters, which import glucose, amino acids and other nutrients into the cell • translocation of sodium from one side of an epithelium to the other, creating an osmotic gradient that drives absorption of water. A beta glycoprotein subunit appears critical in facilitating plasma membrane localisation and activation of the alpha subunit. There are 8–10 transmembrane domains; alpha and beta subunits exist in several isoforms. Different isoforms of the alpha subunit have different affinities for such glycosides. Binding of these widely-used drugs to sodium pumps specifically inhibits their activity. Inhibition of sodium pump activity in cardiac myocytes results in an increase in intracellular sodium concentration; in turn this leads to an increase in intracellular calcium concentration by sodium–calcium exchange, which appears to be the proximal mechanism for enhancing cardiac contractility. The major hormonal controls over pump activity can be summarised as follows: • Thyroid hormones appear to stimulate subunit gene transcription. Within minutes of elevated insulin secretion, pumps containing alpha-1 and 2 isoforms have increased affinity for sodium and increased turnover rate. In skeletal muscle, insulin may also recruit pumps stored in the cytoplasm or activate latent pumps already present in the membrane.