


By G. Abe. Virginia Wesleyan College.

The incidence of malignant lymphoma (all types) was signifi- cantly increased in all groups of treated females buy periactin 4 mg mastercard allergy treatment toddler, but not in males. The incidence of lymphoma of thymic origin was significantly increased in all groups of exposed Table 2. Numbers of animals with lesions (mg/kg examined diet) Histiocytic Atypical Lymphoma Malignant Ovarian Benign sex sarcomaa thymic of thymic lymphomac hyperplasia cord/stromal aplasia originb tumour Male 0 50 1 0 0 6 3000 50 3 3 4 8 6000 50 11** 7** 7** 12 12 000 49 12** 7** 2 8 Female 0 50 0 0 1 15 4 0 3000 50 2 7** 9** 28** 11*d 7** 6000 50 7** 6** 10** 33** 10 6* 12 000 50 7** 5** 7* 25* 17** 5* From Dunnick & Hailey (1996); National Toxicology Program (1996); *p < 0. As shown in Table 2, the incidence of benign ova- rian sex-cord stromal tumours was significantly increased in treated females; the mean historical incidence of all ovarian luteomas was 0. Groups of 20 female p53+/– heterozygous mice, 7–10 weeks of age, received diets containing phenolphthalein at a concentration of 0 (control), 200, 375, 750, 3000 or 12 000 mg/kg for 26 weeks, equivalent to average daily doses of phenolphthalein of 0, 43, 84, 174, 689 or 2375 mg/kg bw per day. The two lowest concentrations delivered doses of phenolphthalein that were approximately 0. The incidence of malignant lymphoma of the thymus was significantly increased in heterozygous p53- deficient female mice given the two higher doses. Atypical thymic hyperplasia, seen in 3/20 animals at 750 mg/kg, 3/20 at 3000 mg/kg and 5/20 at 12 000 ppm, was considered to represent proliferative change preceding lymphoma. The incidence of atypical hyperplasia or malignant lymphoma was increased in animals at 750 ppm. The incidence of malignant lymphomas was significantly increased at the two highest doses (0/19 in controls and 1/20, 0/20, 2/20, 17/20 (p < 0. Loss of the p53 wild-type allele was found in 2/2 thymic lymphomas from animals at 750 mg/kg, 13/13 at 200 mg/kg and 6/6 at 12 000 mg/kg (Dunnick et al. In a study published as an abstract, p53+/– knock-out mice [age not specified] were given phenolphthalein [purity not specified] for 26 weeks by gavage at a dose of 800 or 2400 mg/kg bw per day [number of treatments per week not specified] or in the diet at 2400 mg/kg bw per day [dietary concentration not specified].

As Louis Pasteur’s best-known innovation in human medicine was the rabies vaccine order periactin 4 mg with amex allergy eye drops, it is perhaps not surprising that people, even doctors, should consider this new treatment for diphtheria to be another vaccine, even though this was not the case. It is interesting to note that Pasteur’s vaccine against rabies (which was used as a post-exposure treatment) occupied a similar precarious legal position to the serum, a situation famously compounded by the fact that Pasteur himself was not a qualifed physician. One reason for thinking that the rabies vaccine rather than the smallpox vaccine is the origin of the confusion between vaccine and serum is the close association made between this new treatment for diphtheria and the spiritual patron-heir relationship that existed between Louis Pasteur and Émile Roux. It was Roux who was responsible for developing the treatment in France, largely by following and reproducing the research being done in Berlin, where the serum was available much earlier than in Paris. Furthermore, vaccine plus Pasteur plus Roux all add up in Persy’s mind to the inevitable conclusion that the serum is a French invention, another sign (like the imposing basilique de Fourvière in Lyon) that, despite certain evidence to the contrary, God favoured the French over the Germans. Thus, Persy’s heroic story contains a number of elements that would, I want to argue, prove crucial in shaping the legislation around this serum in the months that followed. A) I have already cited the close association of the Pasteur Institute, Roux, and Pasteur with this novel treatment, and the patriotic, if not nationalistic implications of this association for French medicine. B) The position of the Pasteur Institute as the unoffcial offcial producer of the serum. This situation was endorsed on a national scale by the French government’s mobilization of its regional administrators to ensure the distribution of the serum, meaning that the state was clearly implicated (at least in terms of medical and popular perception) in the generalized practice of serotherapy. C) The fact that the serum escaped the traditional means for the distribution of medicaments; the pharmacist and his pharmacy. This was the case from the beginning, and in this respect followed the pattern of Pasteur’s treatment for rabies. Nevertheless, this was no longer a question of a few dozen patients per year who could be treated at the rue d’Ulm and later the Pasteur Institute, as the serum implied the injection of thousands of patients at hospitals and in homes across the country. There are other elements that feature in Persy’s narrative that are also relevant to the trajectory of the diphtheria serum throughout Europe and the rest of the world. These too played a role in shaping the legislation and the mode of production and distribution in France. With its alarming symptoms, and the particularly high mortality rate among young children, diphtheria was much feared by families, as is illustrated in Persy’s story.

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Second-order electrodes Sometimes a metal electrode may be directly responsible to the concentration of an anion which either gives rise to a complex or a precipitate with the respective cations of the metal periactin 4mg without a prescription allergy symptoms from pollen. Therefore, they are termed as second-order electrodes as they respond to an ion not directly involved in the electron transfer process. In this particular instance, the coated Ag wire when dipped in a solution, sufficient AgCl dissolves to saturate the layer of solution just in contact with the respective electrode surface. Inert electrodes Inert electrodes comprise of chemically inert conductors, for instance : Au, Pt and C which do not necessarily take part either directly or indirectly in the various redox processes. However, the potential developed at an inert electrode solely depends upon both the nature as well as the prevailing concentration of the different redox-reagents present in the solution. Membrane Indicator Electrodes (or Ion-Selective Electrodes) The underlying principle of this type of electrode is that the potential developed due to an unequal charge generated at the opposing surfaces of a ‘special’ membrane. The resulting charge at each surface of the membrane is exclusively controlled and monitored by the exact position of an equilibrium involving analyte ions, which in turn, solely depends upon the concentration of those ions present in the solution. Ion- selective electrodes occupy a very important place in the analytical chemistry by virtue of the fact that one may use the acquired skill, expertise and wisdom to design and commercially prepare membranes that are practically selective towards a specific ion besides producing potentials according to the Nernst-type equation. These are classified further into the following four kinds, namely : (i) Glass membrane electrodes, (ii) Polymer (liquid) membrane electrodes, (iii) Crystalline membrane electrodes, and (iv) Gas-sensing electrodes, which will be described below briefly : 16. Glass Membrane Electrodes The diagram of a typical glass-membrane electrode is depicted in Figure 16. The internal element essentially comprises of a Ag-AgCl electrode (B) dipped in a pH 7 buffer saturated with AgCl (A). The thin, ion-selective glass membrane (I) is carefully fused to the bottom of a high resistance non-responsive glass tube (H) so that the entire membrane may be immersed while taking measurements. The half-cell of glass-membrane electrode may be expressed as : Ag (s) | AgCl [saturated], Cl– (inside), H+ (inside) | glass membrane | H+ (outside) According to the Nernst equation, the potential of the electrode is represented by : + 0.

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First-line treatment of a severe allergic reacton includes administering epinephrine generic periactin 4mg online allergy symptoms hay fever symptoms, keeping the airway open (with assisted respiraton if necessary) and restoring blood pres- sure (laying the patent fat, raising the feet). Epinephrine should immediately be given by intramuscular injecton to produce vasoconstricton and bronchodilaton and injecton should be repeated if necessary at 5-min intervals untl blood pressure, pulse and respiratory functon have stabilized. If there is cardiovascular shock with inadequate circulaton, epinephrine must be given cautously by slow intravenous injecton of a dilute soluton. An anthistamine such as chlorpheniramine is a useful adjunctve treatment given afer epinephrine injecton and contnued for 24 to 48 h to reduce the severity and duraton of symptoms and to prevent relapse. An intravenous cortcosteroid such as hydrocortsone has an onset of acton that is delayed by several hours but should be given to help prevent later deterioraton in severely afected patents. Furthertreatmentofanaphylaxismayincludeintravenousfuids, an intravenous vasopressor such as dopamine, intravenous aminophylline or injected or nebulized bronchodilator, such as salbutamol. Vital Functons: Maintain an open airway; give oxygen by mask, restore blood pressure (lay patent fat, raise feet) 3. Dose Intramuscular injecton Anaphylaxis: preferable site is the midpoint in anterior thigh [1:1000 soluton]. Slow intravenous injecton When there is doubt regarding adequacy of circulaton and absorpton from the intramuscular site; slow intravenous injecton of 1:10000 (10 mg/ml) soluton be injected in severely ill patents only. Contraindicatons Narrow angle glaucoma, organic brain dam- age, cardiac dilaton, coronary insufciency. Precautons Hyperthyroidism, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, arrhythmias, cerebrovascular disease; second stage of labour; elderly; interactons (Appendix 6c); pregnancy (Appendix 7c); lactaton (Appendix 7b). Adverse Efects “Epinephrine fastness”, tachycardia and arrhythmias, hypertension, tremor, anxiety, sweatng, nausea, vomitng, weakness, hyperglycaemia, dizziness, pulmonary oedema have all been reported; headache common. Chlorpheniramine* Pregnancy Category-C Schedule H,G Indicatons Symptomatc relief of allergy, allergic rhinits (hay fever); conjunctvits; urtcaria; insect stngs and pruritus of allergic origin; adjunct in the emergency treatment of anaphylactc shock and severe angioedema. Contraindicatons Prostatc enlargement, urinary retenton; ileus or pyloroduodenal obstructon; asthma; child under 1 year; hypersensitvity, narrow angle glaucoma, pregnancy (Appendix 7c), lactaton (Appendix 7b). Precautons Performing works requiring utmost alertness such as vehicle driving, operatng machines etc within 24 h of taking the drug should be avoided.