


By N. Folleck. Montana State University-Bozeman.

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Negative reinforcement in- harm other human beings best 100 mg dilantin medicine x boston, animals, or property, volves the termination of an unpleasant situation. Thus, if and which violate the socially expected behavior a person has a headache, taking some kind of pain reliev- for the child’s age. In the future, when the person has a headache, he or she is likely to take that pain Along with anxiety and depression, conduct disorder reliever again. In positive and negative reinforcement, is one of the most frequently diagnosed childhood psy- some behavior is likely to recur either because something chological disorders. Depending on the population, rates positive results or something unpleasant stops. The specific manner in Destruction of property which these activities are carried out may vary with age as The child or adolescent: cognitive and physical development occur. The child may exhibit opposition to authority (characteristic of opposi- • deliberately engages in fire-setting with the intention of tional-defiant disorder) during early childhood, gradual- doing serious damage; ly adopt the more serious behaviors of lying, shoplifting, • deliberately destroys others’ property (other than by and fighting during school age years, and then develop the fire). Males Deceitfulness or theft tend to demonstrate more confrontative behaviors, such as fighting, theft, vandalism, and discipline problems, than The child or adolescent: females, who are more likely demonstrate lying, truancy, • breaks into someone else’s house, building, or car; substance abuse, and prostitution. In childhood-onset conduct disor- der, the individual, usually a male, will have exhibited at Serious violations of rules least one criteria for the disorder before age 10 and will usually have full-blown conduct disorder by puberty. The child or adolescent: These children are more likely to develop adult antiso- • stays out late at night against parental prohibition be- cial personality disorder. Adolescent-onset conduct fore age 13; disorder tends to be milder, with no exhibiting symptoms • runs away once for a lengthy period of time or twice before age 10. Adolescents with this type of conduct dis- overnight; order are only slightly more frequently male than fe- male, have more normal peer relationships, and are less •is truant from school before age 13.

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Lynne Center for Caring buy 100 mg dilantin with mastercard medicine while pregnant, Schoenhofer created and manages the Web site and which is housed in the College of Nursing. This discussion forum on the theory of nursing as caring center was created for the purpose of humanizing (www. She has demonstrated a long-standing commitment to the International Association for Introducing the Theory Human Caring, holding the following positions: president-elect (1990 to 1993), president (1993 to This chapter is intended as an overview of the the- 1996), and member of the nominating committee ory of nursing as caring, a general theory, frame- (1997 to 1999). The theory of served as coeditor of the journal International nursing as caring offers a view that permits a broad, Association for Human Caring from 1996 to 1999. This theory serves as an organizing frame- coauthored book, Nursing As Caring: A Model for work for nursing scholars in the various roles of Transforming Practice (1993), and the book Living a practitioner, researcher, administrator, teacher, and Caring-based Program (1994). She serves as theory in relation to practice and other nursing a consultant locally, regionally, nationally, and in- roles. In the second part of this chapter, Danielle ternationally on the topic of caring. Certain fundamental beliefs about what it means to Savina Schoenhofer’s initial nursing study was at be human underlie the theory of nursing as caring. Wichita State University, where she earned under- These assumptions, which will be illustrated later, graduate and graduate degrees in nursing, psychol- reflect a particular set of values and key themes that ogy, and counseling. She completed a PhD in provide a basis for understanding and explicating educational foundations and administration at the meaning of nursing, listed as follows and de- Kansas State University in 1983. In 1990, Schoen- tailed here: hofer cofounded Nightingale Songs, an early venue for communicating the beauty of nursing in poetry • Persons are caring by virtue of their humanness. In addition to her work on caring, in- • Persons are whole and complete in the moment. Model for Transforming Practice, she has written on • Personhood is a way of living grounded in nursing values, primary care, nursing education, caring.

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In one relevant study generic dilantin 100mg with mastercard medications that cause hyponatremia, [18] Hartshorne, May, Maller, & Shuttleworth (1928) examined the correlations among various behavioral indicators of honesty in children. They also enticed children to behave either honestly or dishonestly in different situations, for instance, by making it easy or difficult for them to steal and cheat. And similar low correlations were found in adults on other measures, [19] including dependency, friendliness, and conscientiousness (Bem & Allen, 1974). One possibility is that the natural tendency for people to see traits in others leads us to believe that people have stable personalities when they really do not. In short, perhaps traits are more in the heads of the people who are doing the judging than they are in the behaviors of the people being observed. The fact that people tend to use human personality traits, such as the Big Five, to judge animals in the same way that they use these traits to judge humans is consistent with this idea (Gosling, [20] 2001). And this idea also fits with research showing that people use their knowledge representation (schemas) about people to help them interpret the world around them and that [21] these schemas color their judgments of others‘ personalities (Fiske & Taylor, 2007). Research has also shown that people tend to see more traits in other people than they do in themselves. First, think about a person you know—your mom, your roommate, or a classmate—and choose which of the three responses on each of the four lines best describes him or her. Intense Calm Depends on the situation [22] Richard Nisbett and his colleagues (Nisbett, Caputo, Legant, & Marecek, 1973) had college students complete this same task for themselves, for their best friend, for their father, and for the (at the time well-known) newscaster Walter Cronkite. These results also suggest that people may perceive more consistent traits in others than they should. Nisbett, Caputo, Legant, and Marecek (1973) found that participants checked off a trait term (such as ―energetic‖ or ―talkative‖) rather than ―depends on the situation‖ less often when asked to describe themselves than when asked to describe others. Imagine that you had completed a personality test and the psychologist administering the measure gave you this description of your personality: You have a great need for other people to like and admire you. You have a great deal of unused capacity, which you have not turned to your advantage.